The Reservation Office

The Reservation Office

Are Your Rates Set in Stone?

Are Your Rates Set in Stone?

Successful room occupation relies upon, amongst other things, the balance between rate flexibility and yield management.

The Growth of Our Local Market

The Growth of Our Local Market

Should establishments look to ‘Ride Local Wave to Beat Business Blues’ with declining International Stats? Alot of our establishments are feeling the pinch with a drop in foreign arrivals during the past quarter, but local tourism is most certainly saving the day.  The most recent Tourism Satellite Account for South Africa reports that domestic travellers…

Understanding Your Data and How it Can Work For You

Understanding Your Data and How it Can Work for You

It all comes down to understanding your data. There is a lot of talk nowadays about ‘big data’ in the hospitality industry. We are not ones for big words and fancy names, but we do know that without the information gained through your channels , one simply cannot make effective decisions, which directly impact on…

Receptionist vs Reservationist

Receptionist vs Reservationist

Do you know the difference between a receptionist and a reservationist? Really? Do you? It may seem like a ridiculous question as we should all know there is a big difference between a receptionist manning our front desk and the reservationist who is sealing our bookings and responsible for the main source of our revenue stream! …

Combating Staff Turnover

Combating Staff Turnover

Employee retention is a critical industry issue. Yet, sadly, most owners and operators are simply feeling powerless to stop the incredible amount of industry turnover. It’s so serious, there’s an annualised employee turnover rate of 73.8 percent in the hotel industry, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics – just google it ???? (source: This is a frightening statistic, considering the personal…

The Antidote for Lead Fatigue

The Antidote for Lead Fatigue

Today’s salespeople contend with tech-savvy customers who have done research, often on multiple platforms. Enquiries flooding in from these various touch points can be overwhelming and lead to LEAD FATIGUE. So, how do you combat the wave of unfulfilled enquiries generated by guests & booking agents shopping around through various portals? The answer in this…

Outsourcing Remote Locations

Outsourcing Remote Locations

Can you effectively process reservations while navigating a Mozambiqan Dhow? Or perhaps you can juggle rate negotiation while herding a stray warthog from the lobby? Nope, us neither… we’ve tried! The old saying goes- stick to what you do best, and for Reservation Management, this is certainly a truth many remote establishments should hear. We believe…

10 Tips to Boost Revenue and Showcase Your Services

10 Tips to Boost Revenue and Showcase Your Services

Upselling and promotion of facilities and services is an effective & legitimate way of increasing your revenue. You have a captive audience who will be on site, now is the time to really wow them with your picnic options, spa service, or guided activities, to not only increase your revenue but to add to that all…

Cape Town Water Crisis Offers Opportunity for Change

Cape Town Water Crisis Offers Opportunity for Change

Yes, we are all inundated with information about the Cape Town water crisis, however, we feel that as hospitality service providers, we need to do our utmost to not only get us through #Dayzero but also to create a long-term sustainable plan. Water is a resource which needs to be respected way beyond the drought,…